An Einsten-Rosen bridge is also known as a wormhole. Still working on teleportation.

Okay, sports fans. I've been continuing this thing for about six months now. I want to go further; but to that, I'll need to change a couple things.
The first thing that needs to change is that I need to change the name of the site. "While Foamy Goodness" is a nice name, it is really close to (and might be confused with) the genius of Jonathan Mathers, the creator of "Ill Will Press" and "Foamy the Squirrel". Once you see the site, there's nothing really similar in content or design; but I'm pretty sure Foamy himself has uttered the line, "Foamy Goodness", so I don't want to be lifting that. I originally wanted to call the site "Quantum Foam"; but that name was taken. Soooo...I decided to dip in and try to come up with something a little more original. Immediately below, is a list of names I came up with:
Gravy With Teeth
Transcendental Bathroom Stall
Surplus Irony Supply
Dogged, Clogged, and Blogged
Illustrate This!
Spit Bubble Bath
Fishing With Kittens
Lemon Fresh Bricks
Sweaty Grip On Reality
Felonious Lint
Stand-In Sophocles
Itches And Tingles
Your job is to help me choose. There's a couple I'm partial to; but I want to hear your input. Just leave a response to this entry and let me know what you like. I won't guarantee that I'll use it; but I still want to hear what you think.
Second. I'm going to be looking into hosting this gig on another site. The folks at Google (and thus, Blogger) are great folks, and I can't complain about the freeness; but if I want to add more robust features like a forum, or better comic navigation, or fan shop, I'll have to look elsewhere. I'm hoping to be on a new service by the end of the year, but no promises.
Finally, I hope to be offering merchandise soon. I'll be taking some of my more generic toons (ones that have universal relevance, and not personal relevance), and making shirts and mugs and stuff. This is a VERY scary idea for me, but it might make me enough income to pay for a real site. Looking to Cafe' Press for this stuff probably, but we'll see.
Thanks always, kids, for reading. Let me know what you think!!
1 comment:
Transcendental Bathroom Stall
that is my vote. But you have to realize one thing. Charles Shultz did not take as many days off as you do. Imagine my disapointment the days I log in and there is a promise of a post the next day and yet nothing is there when I log in for my foamy goodness. There are couple shirts that I would love to have made so I think you may be on to something.
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