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Also there are more arms in the morning. Additional, I've been told it's not on purpose. The octopus has been known to pull back a stump.
pssst. Click on the image for animationWell, maybe it's just this one guy. Kudos for the humor fodder, Brighteyes!
Here's the double post I promised, kids! Sorry for the lateness!
Now he has the Good Reverend knocking at his door. Tall price for the want of a song.

Maybe it's just an extended coffee break. She'll probably come back with the hammer and everything...
Actually, it sounds far more erotic than it was. For a minute though, I thought I was driving the Mystery Machine and Scooby Doo was passing the dutchie. That shit is solved!
The funny thing? He could actually sing.I will never get the bobble-head, though.
The Engineer also volunteered that he would prefer spontaneous combustion because it "looked cool". And no, I have no idea what prompted this rather grim choice of demise.
She's gonna read this and find out anyway. All I can say is that I really didn't find Olive Oyl there.
Before you pick you nose, look up for one of the blinking red lights.Your YouTube moment awaits.Congrats, Brighteyes! It was about time, don't ya' know.

He was a determined driver, too. Special credit to the Force of Nature for coming up with the bottom half on this one. Does anyone ever use the word, "countenance" anymore?
Thanks to the miracle of modern chemistry, I won't need a blender, either.Jimmy Buffet, take your damn flip-flops off before you come in. I don't want sand all over my carpet.
It also cost a 1/2 day suspension. His penalty for still being able to go to the science fair.He wasn't supposed to be my fighter. Who knew?
I met this concerned gentleman at the gas pump. I left awkwardly. I actually called him, "citizen".
They call them "ornamental pears". The only fruit they bear is the foul odor of decay.
Yeah, I missed Saturday. There were events. Enjoy the double post instead!
The hippo is later incinerated. The incinerator is quite large.By the way. Half-Caff is the best I can do. I don't like to tweak.
We still ended up owing. It's gonna be a long summer.The Force of Nature has put away her shield. Next year, we hire ninjas...elite financial ninjas.
Props to JCW for idea. He has mad haxxor skillz.
Gas station #1: Gas was only $3.19 per gallon. However, because of a bad network connection, the machine wouldn't read my card.
Gas station #2: Good connection, but I had to pay $3.25 per gallon.
There is not enough K.Y.
Oh yeah, writer's block (you BITCH!). You're goin' down!
Yeah, another late post. But you have two now. See? I'm keeping up! Nyah!
I know bicycling is great exercise. I know it, damn it!
I am likely not a great best friend. This is a thing that time and distance does. Yes, that is an excuse.
Sorry about the late post kids. I suppose I was just lazy. Here's another double, though!
Dachshund, hell. More like greyhound. No rabbit is safe!.
It's now even more valuable than the TV.
I was stone cold yearnin' for Cold Stone Creamery. They did it right.
Writer's block is a right nasty bitch. It was all supposed to just flow out of me, remember?
This one is a WoW thing. Prince Malethezar is very mean. He paid for it in the end, though. A big bear did it.
Sorry for the late post again, kids. My Kara run went late on Monday, so you get a double-crunchy post of Foamy Goodness tonight!
The resurfacer ran so close to the building, everything was shaking. I had my headphones on.
It's a fool's paradise, and I don't got no wings.The only thing foolish was the laptop and the cost of educating a new driver.